Monday, 13 April 2015

Meet With Comedy Writer & Actor Tom Rosenthal

Having photographed Christopher Biggins, I made a rather difficult tube trip to Arsenal to meet up with comedy actor and writer Tom Rosenthal. Covent Garden tube station was closed to passengers entering so I had to walk to Leicester Square, and then there was a signal problem on the Piccadilly Line . So a journey that should have taken me about 20 minutes took twice as long, but I got there just about on time to meet up with Tom. We went to the same school although I have a few years head start on him!

We are both fans of Arsenal so it made sense to me at the stadium to do the photo. We just missed out on the setting sun which was a shame, but we still managed to get some good photos, and the one in the book will feature Tom standing by a statue of an Arsenal legend...

No messing from Tom with the bowel cancer tie, and he was happy to wear it like a tie should be worn. Keep an eye out for his new comedy Flat TV which be airing on BBC3 later in the year,.

It was also interesting that Tom was also supporting a Sepsis charity. This medical condition can be fatal, and sadly my dad died from it after having contacted pneumonia in 2009. It's another illness that needs talking about and have awareness raised about it.

Saturday, 11 April 2015


I was delighted to get the legend of stage and television, Christopher Biggins, on board the new bok. After my initial contact with him on Twitter it did take a while to sort out a date, but he was very keen to help, and we met outside The Delaunay restaurant next to The Aldwych Theatre in London.

Christopher lost his father to bowel cancer, which I was hadn't realised when I first approached him to be part of the book. When you read the book you will see that this bowel connection happens on more than one occasion. 

Biggins was a great sport having an extra photo taken with the Beating Bowel Cancer tie, and although time was short he couldn't have been more helpful. He was every bit as nice as you would have hoped from seeing him on the TV.

I am glad I managed to photograph Biggins before I finished this book, and if everything continues to fall into place the book might well be finished in the next few weeks :)